A Collection of 3D Artworks


  3D Design and Visualization, one of my courses for sophomore students in D&I, aims to help low-grade students to master basic concepts and skills of 3D art creation so as to get them prepared for further learning in different directions, digital media in special. At the end of this semester, students were required to create with 3D software a picture of a product or a scenery in real life. They may also choose to create a picture inspired by their favorite films or games. Some of the artworks are shown below.

▲ 《崛起之境》作者:金怡 · The Rising Realm by Yi Jin

▲ 《Alp静音吉他》作者:陈罗千绘 · Alp Silent Gitar by Qianhui Chenluo

▲ 《戴姆勒四轮汽车》作者:黄卉怡 · Daimler Automobile by Huiyi Huang

▲ 《行星发动机》作者:林慈丰 · Planet Engine by Cifeng Lin

▲ 《小牛us电动车》作者:王心怡 · Xiao Niu US E-Bike by Xinyi Wang

▲ 《复仇流浪者》作者:林尤翔 · Gipsy Avenger by Youxiang Lin

▲ 《三联海边图书馆》作者:姚欣怡 · Sanlian Seaside Library by Xinyi Yao

▲ 《Impulse椭圆机》作者:汪淼 · Impulse Elliptical Trainer by Miao Wang

▲ 《小小梦魇》作者:刘隽语 · Little Nightmare by Junyu Liu

▲ 《宁静街巷》作者:戴若妤 · Peaceful Alley by Ruoyu Dai

▲ 《一位成熟设计师的书桌》作者:林煜 · Desktop of a Mature Designer by Yu Lin

▲ 《机械姬》作者:杨永博 · Ex Machina by Yongbo Yang

▲ 《80元的自行车》作者:颜玉明 · ¥80 Bicycle by Yuming Yan

▲ 《致敬<裂缝之外>》作者:张雯淇 · Salute to Beyond the Aqualia Rift by Yuming Yan

▲ 《蒸汽朋克夜之城》作者:刘一驰 · Cyberpunk Nigh City by Yichi Liu