A Collection of 3D Artworks
  3D Design and Visualization, one of my courses for all the students in D&I, aims to help low-grade students to master basic concepts and skills of 3D art creation so as to get them prepared for further learning in different directions, digital media in special. At the end of this semester, students were required to create with 3D software a picture of a product or a scenery in real life. They might also choose to create a picture inspired by their favorite films or games and were encouraged to use AIGC in the process of concept development.

▲ 成果集锦 · a collection of learning outcomes

   Some of the artworks are shown below. (You may click to view the pictures in full-size.)

▲ 《林中书屋》作者:戴婉琦 · Reading Room in a Forest by Wanqi Dai

▲ 《工匠朝霞》作者:埃米尔 · Craftsman’s Dawn by Emil

▲ 《萨雷安图书馆》作者:黄梦齐 · Sharlayan Library by Mengqi Huang

▲ 《纵火者》作者:冯婧仪 · Fire-raiser by Jingyi Feng

▲ 《ZAUN》作者:王晟歆叶 · ZAUN by Shengxinye Wang

▲ 《刺客信条奥德赛》作者:朱明轩 · Assassin’s Creed Odyssey by Mingxuan Zhu

▲ 《古寂枫庐·时光荏苒》作者:龚施淰 · A Temple with Maples by Shinian Gong

▲ 《探险者小屋》作者:吴心语 · Adventurer’s Hut by Xinyu Wu

▲ 《双层寓所》作者:汤殿哲 · A Double-storey House by Dianzhe Tang

▲ 《暖居》作者:蒋雨彤 · A Warm Room by Yutong Jiang

▲ 《鸭鸭浴室》作者:蔡盈欣 · Bathroom with Rubber Ducks by Yingxin Cai

▲ 《哈尔的移动城堡》作者:宋雨菲 · Howl’s Moving Castle by Yufei Song

▲ 《章鱼烧店》作者:徐之涵 · An Octopus Ball Restaurant by Zhihan Xu

▲ 《太空救援-联盟号》作者:徐璨 · Salyut-7 by Can Xu

▲ 《月球车》作者:周倩 · Moon Rover by Qian Zhou

▲ 《末日机甲》作者:明月馨 · Doom Day Mecha by Yuexin Ming

▲ 《一个相机》作者:肖雨欣 · A Camera by Yuxin Xiao

▲ 《骑兵》作者:潘俊捷 · Cavalry by Junjie Pan

▲ 《夏夜·神社·和服少女》作者:王梓桐 · Summer Night, Shrine and a Girl in Kimono by Zitong Wang

▲ 《坐在树上的龙》作者:董奕萱 · Dragon on a Tree by Yixuan Dong

▲ 《坐在椅子上的人》作者:许诺 · A Man sitting in a Throne by Nuo Xu

▲ 《不散》作者:杜雪怡 · Never Separate by Xueyi Du

▲ 《威洛比家的孩子们》作者:胡静宜 · The Willoughbys by Jingyi Hu

▲ 《树桩上的少女》作者:许家睿 · A Girl Sitting on a Tree Stool by Jiarui Xu

▲ 《同化》作者:吴天宇 · Assimilation by Tianyu Wu

▲ 《疯狂动物城》作者:赵予睿 · Zootopia by Yurui Zhao

▲ 《守墓人》作者:丁舒妍 · Graveyard Keeper by Shuyan Ding

▲ 《铸铁》作者:黄君悦 · Iron by Junyue Huang

▲ 《闪灵·羔羊》作者:陈语彤 · Shining, Lambs by Yutong Chen